"Missal Revision"

Telegram & Gazette

The first Sunday of Advent, celebrated this year on Nov. 27, marked the debut of a revised English translation of the Roman Missal, the text used during masses in the American Roman Catholic Church.  The Telegram & Gazette reported on the changes and explored both positive and negative reactions. Although the revisions to the English liturgical text have successfully become truer to the original, Latin version, Paul Covino, associate chaplain at the College of the Holy Cross, explains that the process was a difficult and complicated one.

“There were bishops who felt the translations contained words that were too archaic or too theological for the ordinary person,” explained Covino. “Some of the words used in the new text are not part of the discourse used by the average Catholic. There was some thought that some Americans might be alienated by the changes.”

This "Holy Cross in the News" item is by Sara Bovat '14.