Expert on Situation in Kosovo Available to Media

WORCESTER, Mass. – Christopher Merrill, a poet, essayist, journalist and college professor, is an articulate and well-traveled expert on the situation in Kosovo.  He is available for media interviews about the current crisis.

Merrill holds the William Jenks Chair in Contemporary American Letters at Holy Cross. He is the author of The Old Bridge: The Third Balkan War and the Age of the Refugee.   In addition, his book, Only the Nails Remain: A Balkan Triptych, will be published in the fall.

He has gained a reputation as an expert on the Balkans, after writing extensively about his experiences in those countries during the past four years.  He argues that the time to have acted against the Serbian military was last February when Slobodan Milosevic first cracked down on the Kosovo Liberation Army.  Merrill urges NATO to stay the course, "which may mean introducing ground troops sooner rather than later - unless we are prepared to allow the wholesale slaughter of Albanians."